create table SC(
Sno char(7) not null, Cno char(6) not null, Grade smallint, primary key (Sno, Cno), foreign key(Sno) references Student(Sno), foreign key(Cno) references Course(Cno))engine=innodb default charset=utf8 auto_increment=1; /*sql 删除表 drop table 表名*/drop table SC;
/*修改表 alter table 表名alter column 《列名》 《新数据类型》 ————修改列定义alter 《列名》 《数据类型》 《约束》 ————添加新列drop column 《列名》 ————删除列add 【comstraint 《约束名》】 约束定义 ————添加约束drop 【comstraint 《约束名》】 ————删除约束*/ /*为student添加”专业“列。可以为空*/alter table Student
add Spec char(15) null/*将添加专业的类型改为char(20)*/
/*sqlite 不支持删除一列,但是mysql应该支持*/alter table Student
alter column Spec char(20)alter table Student
drop column Spec数据完整性
主键 primary keyalter table 工作表 add constraint PK_EMP primary key (员工编号) 列级不能重复 uniquealter table 雇员表 add constraint UK_SID unique (电话号码)外码约束 foreign keyalter table 雇员表 add constraint FK_job_id foreign key (工作编号) references 工作表 (工作编号)defaultcheck
insert into Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept)
values (9512101, "李勇", '男', 19, "计算机系");insert into Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept) values (9512102, "刘晨", '男', 20, "计算机系");insert into Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept) values (9512103, "王敏", '女', 20, "计算机系");insert into Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept) values (9521101, "张立", '男', 22, "信息系");insert into Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept) values (9521102, "吴斌", '女', 21, "信息系");insert into Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept) values (9521103, "张海", '男', 20, "信息系");insert into Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept) values (9531101, "钱小平", '女', 18, "数学系");insert into Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept) values (9531102, "王大力", '男', 19, "数学系");
insert into Course (Cno, Cname, Credit, Semester)
values ('c01', '计算机文化学', 3, 1);insert into Course (Cno, Cname, Credit, Semester) values ('c02', 'VB', 2, 3);insert into Course (Cno, Cname, Credit, Semester) values ('c03', '计算机网络', 4, 7);insert into Course (Cno, Cname, Credit, Semester) values ('c04', '数据库基础', 5, 6);insert into Course (Cno, Cname, Credit, Semester) values ('c05', '高等数学', 8, 2);insert into Course (Cno, Cname, Credit, Semester) values ('c06', '数据结构', 3, 1);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9512101, 'c01', 90);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9512101, 'c02', 86);insert into SC (Sno, Cno)
values (9512101, 'c06');insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9512102, 'c02', 78);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9512102, 'c04', 66);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9521102, 'c01', 82);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9521102, 'c02', 75);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9521102, 'c04', 92);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9521102, 'c05', 50);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9521103, 'c02', 68);insert into SC (Sno, Cno) values (9521103, 'c06');insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9531101, 'c01', 80);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9531101, 'c05', 95);insert into SC (Sno, Cno, Grade) values (9512102, 'c05', 85);
select <目标列名序列>
from <数据源>[where <检索条件表达式>][group by <分组依据列>][having <组提取条件>][order by <排序依据列>]
查询全体学生的姓名,学号,所在的系, select Sname, Sno, Sdept from Student例子2: 查询全部列 select * from Student例子3: 查询全体学生的姓名和出生年月 select Sname, 2014 - Sage as '出生年月' from Student例子4:在选课表中查询,那些学生选修了课程,列出学号
select sno from sc select distinct sno from sc //加入distinct可以去掉重复行,(2)查询满足条件的元祖
比较 =,>,>=, <,<=,<>或者(!=) 确定范围 between and, not between and确定集合 in, not in字符匹配 like, not like空值 is null, is not null多重条件 and ora。比较大小
例子7:查询计算机系全体学生的姓名 select sno, sname from student where Sdept = '计算机系'例子8:查询所有20岁以下年龄的学生
select sno, sname from student where sage < 20例子9:查询成绩有不及格的学生的学号
select distinct sno from sc where grade < 60b。确定范围
例子10:查询年龄在20到30岁之间的学生(这是包含20和30的年龄)select sno, sdept, sage from student where sage between 20 and 30 c。确定集合列名 【not】 in (常量1, 常量2。。。 常量n)例子12:查询信息系,数学系和计算机系的学生姓名和性别
select sname, ssex from student where sdept in ('信息系', '数学系', '计算机系')例子13:查询不是信息系,数学系,也不是计算机系的学生的姓名和性别
select sname, ssex from student where sdept not in ('信息系', '数学系', '计算机系')select sname, ssex from student where sdept != '信息系' and sdept != '数学系' and sdept != '计算机系'd。字符串匹配
like列名 【not】 like 《匹配串》匹配串中可以包含字符常量,也可以包含如下4种通配符_(下划线): 匹配任意一个字符;%(百分号):匹配0个或多个字符;【】:匹配【】中的任何一个字符;【^】:不匹配【】中的任意一个字符例子15:查找学生表中姓“张”,姓“李”和姓“刘”的学生的信息
select *from student where sname like '[张李刘]%'select *from student where sname like '张%' or sname like '李%' or sname like '刘%'例子16:查询名字第二个字有“大”或者“小”的学生
select * from Student where Sname like '_[大小]%'例子17:姓是王的,两个字的名字。
select * from Student where Sname like '王_'例子18:涉及到空值的查询
is not nullis null查询所有考试成绩的学生的学号和课程号
select sno, cno from sc where grade is not null多重条件查询
select sname from student where sdept = "计算机系" and sage < 20 (3)对于查询结果进行排序order by <列名> 【Asc | Desc】 [.....n]
如果在order by子句中出现了很多列,按照顺序进行排列例子24:将学生按年龄进行升序排列
select * from student order by Sage ASC例子25:查询选修了“c02”号课程的学生的学号以及成绩,查询按照成绩降序排列
select * from sc where cno = 'c02' order by grade desc例子26:查询全体学生信息,查询结果按所在系的系名升序排列,同一系的学生按照降序排列
select *from student order by sdept, sage desc (4)使用聚合函数,汇总数据。count(*):统计表中元祖的个数sum(<列名>) 计算列值总和avg(<列名>) 计算平均值max(<列名>) 计算最大值min(<列名>) 计算最小值以上函数中,除了count意外,其他都是忽视null
select count(sno) as '学生总数' from student例子28:统计了选修的课程的人数
select count(distinct Sno) as '选课学生人数' from sc例子29:计算‘9512101’学生的选课门数和考试总成绩
select count(Sno) as '学生选课门数', sum(grade) as '总成绩' from sc where sno = '9512101'例子30:计算‘c01’课程的考试平均成绩
select avg(grade) from sc where cno = 'c01'例子31:查询‘c01’课程的最高分和最低分
select max(grade) as 最高分, min(grade) as 最低分 from sc where cno = 'c01'例子32:查询“9512101”学生的选课门数,以考课程的最高分,最低分和平均分。
select count(cno), max(grade), min(grade) from sc where sno = '9512101'(1)group by 使用
select cno as '课程号', count(sno) as '选课人数' from sc group by cno例子34:统计每个学生的选课门数和平均成绩
select sno as 学号, count(cno) as 选课门数, avg(grade) as 平均成绩 from sc group by sno例子35:统计每个系的学生人数和平均年龄
select count(sno) as 学生人数, avg(sage) as 平均年龄 from student group by sdept(2)where子句的使用
select sdept,count(sno) as 女生人数 from student where ssex = '女' group by sdept例子37:按照多列分组,统计每个系的男生和女生人数,以及男生的最大年龄和女生的最大年龄。
select sdept, ssex, count(*) as 人数, max(sage) from student group by sdept, ssex order by sdept(3)使用having子句
select sno, count(*) as 选课门数 from sc group by sno having count(*) > 3 执行过程是先group by分组,然后count统计,最后筛选出结果大于3。 例子39:查询选课门数大于等于4门课的学生的平均成绩和选课门数select count(sno) as 选课门数, avg(grade) from sc group by sno having count(*) >= 4 正确的理解where, group by, having 子句的作用和执行顺序。where 子句用来筛选from子句中指定的数据源所产生的行数据;group by 子句来对经where子句筛选后的结果数据进行分组;having 是分组后的结果进行筛选
from 表1 join 表2 on <连接条件> 表1.列名 = 表2.列名例子40:查询每个学生及选课的详细信息
select * from student join sc on student.sno = sc.sno这里会出现两个sno,可以去掉重复列
select student.sno, sname, ssex, sage, cno, grade from student join sc on student.sno = sc.sno这里可以为表提供别名,格式如下:from <源表名> 【as】 <表别名>
select sname, cname, grade from student s join sc on s.sno = sc.sno join course c on c.cno = sc.cno where sdept = '信息系' and cname = '计算机文化学' 例子44:查询了所有选修vb学生的情况,列出学生姓名和所在系select sname, sdept from course as c join sc on sc.cno = c.cno join student s on s.sno = sc.sno where cname = 'VB'例子45:有分组的多表连接查询,统计计算机系每门课程的选课人数,平均成绩,最高成绩和最低成绩。select cno, count(*) as 选课人数, avg(grade) as 平均成绩, max(grade) as 最高成绩, min(grade) as 最低成绩 from sc join student as s on s.sno = sc.sno where sdept = '计算机系' group by cno 自连接:自连接是一种特殊的内连接,在物理上是同一张表,但是在逻辑上将其看成2张表。
select s2.sname, s2.sdept from student as s1 join student as s2 on s1.sdept = s2.sdept where s1.sname = '刘晨' and s2.sname != '刘晨'例子47:查询与“数据结构”学分相同的学科
select c1.cname, from course as c1 join course c2 on = --学分相同 where c2.cname = '数据结构' --c2作为查询条件 外连接:外连接只是限制一张表中的数据必须满足连接条件,而另一张表中的数据可以不满足连接条件,from 表1 left|right 【outer】 join 表2 on <连接条件>left 【outer】 join是左外连接,
左外连接是表2数据必须满足连接条件,而不管表1中数据是否满足条件。right【outer】 join是右外连接
select student.sno, sname, cno, grade from student left outer join sc on student.sno = sc.snoTOP使用TOP限制结果集,top n 表示查询结果的前n行,top n persent: 前百分之n
select top 3 sname, sage, sdept
from student order by sage desc子查询
(1)利用子查询进行集合的测试where 表达式 【not】 in (子查询)例子53:查询与“刘晨”在同一个系学习的学生
select * from student where sdept = (select sdept from student where sname = '刘晨') and sname != '刘晨' 例子54:查询考试成绩大于90的学生的姓名和学号select sname, sno from student where sno in (select sno from sc where grade > 90)例子55:查询选修了vb课程的学生的学号和姓名
select sno, sname from student where sno in (select sno from sc where cno = (select cno from course where cname = "VB"))子查询进行比较测试
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");// 连接、选择数据库
$link = mysql_connect ( 'localhost' , 'root' , 'c6vMmwjbz6qy9CmB' ) or die( 'Could not connect: ' . mysql_error ());echo 'Connected successfully' ;mysql_select_db ( 'test' ) or die( 'Could not select database' );// 执行 SQL 查询
$query = 'SELECT * FROM student' ;
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); $result = mysql_query ( $query ) or die( 'Query failed: ' . mysql_error ());// 以 HTML 打印查询结果
echo "<table>\n" ;while ( $line = mysql_fetch_array ( $result , MYSQL_ASSOC )) { echo "\t<tr>\n" ; foreach ( $line as $col_value ) { echo "\t\t<td> $col_value </td>\n" ; } echo "\t</tr>\n" ;}echo "</table>\n" ;// 释放结果集
mysql_free_result ( $result );// 关闭连接
mysql_close ( $link );?>